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Managing Director

Jo is married to husband Phil, a petrochemical Project Manager. She has a football mad teenage son, Lucas and French Bulldog, Stella who is the real boss!

Favourite weekend activities.
Ideally it will involve some form of exercise, even if it’s just a walk with Stella, coupled with a meal and drinks with friends.

Favourite thing about HR.
The crazy unpredictability of HR and people generally, you certainly don’t come into this profession for an easy, steady life.

Previous work experience & qualifications.
I have twenty years experience in the Steel Industry and have worked from the shop floor to Executive HR Director. I am MCIPD qualified.

Your favourite things.
My family, friends, I love to travel and enjoy a chilled glass of white wine.

Connect with Jo


“I believe people have unlimited potential. When workplaces embrace human ingenuity and work with their employees as a collective and share capital, ideas and imagination, they become profitable and purposeful companies. And that’s powerful.”

Meet my colleagues…

HR is our cup of tea & people are our biscuits

Let’s Chat

HR Alchemy target logo

Shiny happy people.